Christmas cartoon
Let's enjoy ourselves with a Christmas cartoon!!!! (Ας απολαύσουμε ένα χριστουγεννιάτικο cartoon!!!!) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Ms Machi
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Let's enjoy ourselves with a Christmas cartoon!!!! (Ας απολαύσουμε ένα χριστουγεννιάτικο cartoon!!!!) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Ms Machi
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Hi my STARS!!!! Anatoli, Elena, Filip, George, Giota, Glyka Haido, Maria P.and Maria S, Sorry for not being able to be with you!!! I'm sure you'll have a great time!!!!! CLICK HERE and play as many games as possible!!!! See you all on Friday!!!! Your lab Coach, Ms Machi
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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! ΣΥΓΧΑΡΗΤΗΡΙΑ!!!!! Είσασταν FANTASTIC στη γιορτή!!!!! Ms Machi
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My friend's name is Christine. She's nine years old. She's got straight, brown hair. She's got brown eyes, too. Maria P.
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My friends love my crazy bedroom. The waster-paper bin looks wonderful on the bed but i don't like looking in the wardrobe. This is beacause there's a leg in it. There's a penguin under the bed and sunglasses on the bedside table. Sometimes there are chickens in the pillowcase, and when you turn on the radio you [...]
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My friends love my crazy bedroom. The waste- paper bin looks wonderful on the bed but I don't like looking in the wardrobe . This is because there's a monster in it. There's a penguin under the bed and a knife on the bedside table. Sometimes there are chickens in the pillowcase, and when you turn [...]
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My friends love my crazy bedroom. The waste paper bin looks wonderful on the wardrobe but I don't like looking in the wardrobe. This is because there's a leg in it. There's a school bag under the bed and a knife on the bedside table. Sometimes there are worms in the pillow [...]
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"My friends love my crazy bedroom. The waste-paper bin looks wonderful on the television but I don't like looking in the wardrobe. This is because there's a giraffe in it. There's a school bag under the bed and sunglasses on the bedside table. Sometimes there are pencils in the pillowcase, and when you turn on the radio [...]
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Countable desks computers books mobile phone clock CD uncountable bread chocolate water meat coffee juice Maria P.
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My bedroom is big.It has got one desk, two chairs,two bookcases and two beds. Stella T.
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